Manresa is a silent retreat based on St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. Held each year during winter break at BC's beautiful Connors Family Retreat Center, Manresa is a time of quiet, reflection, and prayer with an open, flexible schedule in a peaceful setting.

The registration deadline for the Manresa Silent Retreat is Friday, December 1st, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EST

For questions or more information, please email or contact Campus Minister for Retreats, Kelly Hughes

  • Plenty of time to rest, explore the grounds, pray, reflect, and just be, free of the pressures and stress of daily campus life
  • Retreatants meet individually with a spiritual director each day to explore questions about faith, justice, and meaning. Directors include campus ministers, Jesuits, and other BC faculty and staff
  • Daily opportunities to attend Mass and prayer services based upon the Spiritual Exercises, as well as, contemplative offerings including art, meditation and movement
  • Retreatants will stay in single occupancy rooms at the Connors Family Retreat Center in Dover, MA. Lodging, food and transportation is provided.

The Manresa Silent Retreat will be held in January 2024.

All undergraduate and graduate students are welcome on the Manresa Silent Retreat. This retreat is rooted in the Catholic, Ignatian tradition, but all students seeking to lead lives of faith and justice can benefit from the silence, reflection, and peaceful environment. The retreat is open to students of all faith backgrounds. If a student is not Christian, Campus Ministry aims to provide a spiritual director from one's own tradition. Space is limited, so please apply as soon as possible.

The cost of the retreat is $100, including lodging, food, transportation, and retreat materials. Campus Ministry wants to ensure that cost does not prohibit any student from attending the Manresa Silent Retreat. Please indicate if a financial need exists within the application and a campus minister will be in touch.